We plan to ditch the conventional launch system and switch to magnetic propulsion solution which would reduce the fuel usage significantly. A magnetized tunnel would propel the spacecraft into the space and once the spacecraft exits the tunnel only then it’s engine will ignite to carry it further into the orbit. This would mean that less fuel is required to carry a spacecraft to space and we can carry more payload which would further reduce the price per kg of sending payloads to space.

As we embrace this next frontier of travel, design solutions will be needed to root the spectacle of space flight in a human-centered experience. The physical environment will be based on the principles of hope and preservation, as well as the capacity to create future lives, link local and global communities, and fulfill our basic requirements for convenience, customization, and connection.

Beyond the next 30 years, spaceports will be transporting passengers to space hotels, the Moon, and, most likely, Mars. In fact, there will be so many spacecraft in flight by then that a full, complicated traffic control system, such to what we have today for airlines and airports, would have to be devised on a global scale to handle all of the traffic.

Future space technology will ensure that space hotels and dwellings are not just part of the spacescape, alongside satellites and trash orbiting the Earth, but also part of the colonization of the Moon, Mars, and beyond.

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